Business Intelligence And Data Visualization For Beginners
Become the most demanded business intelligence analyst. Learn MySQL, Tableau Public, Anaconda, Python, and basic statistics for business intelligence. Create databases, create informative graphics, and visualize raw data.
What you will learn?
- Become an expert in Statistics, SQL, Tableau, and problem solving.
- Become an expert in data visualization with SQL, Tableau, and Anaconda.
- Become the most demanded business intelligence analyst.
- Boost your resume with in-demand skills.
- Gather, organize, analyze and visualize data.
- Use data for improved business decision-making.
- Present information in the form of metrics, KPIs, reports, and dashboards.
- Perform quantitative and qualitative business analysis.
- Analyze current and historical data.
- Discover how to find trends, market conditions, and research competitor positioning.
- Understand the fundamentals of database theory.
- Use SQL to create, design, and manipulate SQL databases.
- Extract data from a database writing your own queries.
- Create powerful professional visualizations in Tableau.
- Combine SQL and Tableau to visualize data from the source.
- Use Python and Jupyter for data analytics and dataviz.
- Join the DataViz Workshop:
- Solve real-world business analysis tasks in SQL and Tableau.
- Do dataviz with Excel, SQL, Tableau, and Anaconda.
- No previous experience is required. You will start with basics. Whether you are a new employee, or you have been running one for years I will show you something new
- You will need to install MySQL, Tableau Public, and Anaconda. I will show you how to do it step by step
- Microsoft Excel 2003, 2010, 2013, 2016, or 365
Who should take this course?
- Beginners to programming and data science
- Students eager to learn about job opportunities in the field of data science
- Candidates willing to boost their resume by learning how to combine the knowledge of Statistics, SQL, and Tableau in a real-world working environment
- SQL Programmers who want to develop business reasoning and apply their knowledge to the solution of various business tasks
- People interested in a Business Intelligence Analyst career
Introduction to business intelligence (2 hours)
- Introduction to business intelligence and big data
- How to use BI and big data in your organization
- What is data analysis and data science?
- How to combine BI with data science
- What is machine learning and artificial intelligence?
- How to use BI with AI
Introduction to statistics and data science( 4 hours)
- What is data visualization and how to use it?
- Introduction to dataviz tools with use cases
- How to prepare and read informative graphics for business decisions
- Data aggregation, organization and reporting
- Basic data analysis methods
- Basic BI statistics: Population and sample
BI use cases (2 hours)
- Business growth and process management with BI
- BI use cases for production, sales, marketing and administration
- Career paths for BI and data science
Data processing with Excel, MySQL, Tableau, and Anaconda (8 hours)
- Statistics and Excel
- Introduction to data science
- SQL databases
- Tableau
- Dataviz SQL + Tableau
- Python and Jupyter
Dataviz Workshop (4 hours)
- BI with MySQL, Tableau Public and Anaconda
- Dataviz with MySQL, Tableau Public and Anaconda
- Complete real-world business tasks with MySQL, Tableau Public and Anaconda
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